Waltti Solutions Oy is a leading provider of IT solutions for public transportation in Finland’s urban areas. Every day, Waltti’s customers carry hundreds of thousands of commuters, free-time passengers, and tourists from point A to point B. Owned by the Helsinki Regional Transport and 22 municipalities, including large Finnish cities like Tampere and Oulu, Waltti maintains and develops innovative ticketing and other digital services for its owners.
Critical services affecting millions of people
”We operate in a highly business-critical field,” explains Waltti’s Managing Director, Toni Pallaspuro. “Public transportation just needs to work, as it affects the lives of millions of citizens daily.”
Currently, Waltti develops and offers two product families for its customers: a modern account-based ticketing and information system used by most of Waltti’s clients and a comprehensive family of new solutions developed in collaboration with Helsinki Regional Transport. Trivore’s Identity (ID) solutions play a significant role in both. “Trivore is one of our central cooperation partners,” Pallaspuro states.
From a monolith to a secure and compliant modular service
“Earlier, the passengers’ identities were managed with a solution that was part of our old, monolithic system,” Pallaspuro says. “Nowadays, we operate in a multi-vendor modular environment that gives more freedom to our municipal customers to pick and choose the service elements they wish.”
At the heart of Waltti’s services, Trivore’s ID solutions provide information on the passenger, her identity, the products, and related tariffs. Trivore’s solution contains up-to-date product and price information, enabling smooth payment transactions and product management. For example, benefits assigned to different user groups, such as pensioners and students, are automatically updated for users after authentication. Thereby, the system immediately provides the user with the appropriate ticket group upon creating the user account.
“Trivore’s solution for us was originally much simpler than it is now,” Pallaspuro says, describing that Waltti and Trivore agilely and continuously develop the solutions to manage millions of passengers’ identities and fare prices.
“For us, it is also essential that the passengers’ personal information stays in Finland,” he continues. “With Trivore, we can avoid all unnecessary processing of passengers’ personal data and develop systematic Master Data Management.“
True strategic partnership and big visions for the future
Toni Pallaspuro’s personal history spans the finance sector to governmental agencies and municipality organisations. Through these lenses, he is also keen to view his current company and its business opportunities broadly. “Everything, of course, culminates to what our customers are willing to pay for,” he says and continues: “In the long run, however, we want to conquer new customers and market areas, yet always keeping in mind that whatever we produce needs to be of great quality and thus productive.”
Waltti and Trivore continue collaborating closely in developing new services for Waltti’s customers. Pallaspuro compliments that Trivore’s basic ID solution is highly secure and fits Waltti’s needs. He says that it is technically “simple and beautiful” – which might make the solution itself quite easily replaceable with other technologies in the market. Nevertheless, Pallaspuro praises the collaboration with Trivore’s team as something unique. “In our cooperation, we have reached a level of true strategic partnership,” Pallaspuro rejoices and continues: “For us, great collaboration and flexibility are key. I hope that together with Trivore, Waltti will be able to build something that has not been seen in Finnish public transport yet.”

Tutustu Walttiin tarkemmin: https://waltti.fi/